基本上差不多每一個問答都需要有實際例子支持。你也不想面試的時間出現Dead Air 吧?不想的話就真的要從現在開始準備了。給一個少少的提示大家,跟著以下的流程回答問題,就會是一個完整的回應了。
【工作假期】五個不可不申請的文件Checklist! What's require?
【温哥華♡住宿】民宿初體驗 Vancouver Airbnb
【卡爾加里♡購物樂】手信必選! Crossiron Mills Outlet半價血拼!
【班芙♡玩樂】超刺激!班芙狗拉雪橇體驗Banff Dog sledding
A. 人際關係與人合作
- Tell me about a time when you were working/dealing with a difficult person/customer. How did you deal with this person?
- Describe a situation in which you were able to use persuasion to successfully convince someone to see things your way.
- What is your typical way of dealing with conflict? Give me an example.
B. 做人處事
- Tell me about a time when you did not meet expectations. What happened, and how did you rectify the situation?
- Tell me about a time when you had too many things to do and you were required to prioritize your tasks.
- How do you handle constructive suggestion? Give me an example.
C. 工作態度及經驗
- Tell us about a challenge you have faced, and how you manged it?
- Tell me about a time when you succeeded. Give a specific example.
- Give me a specific example of a time when you used good judgement and logic in solving a problem,
- Give me an example of a time when you set a goal and were able to meet o achieve it.
- What would you consider your strengths to be?
(Knowledge-based/ Transferable skills/ Personal Traits) - What would you consider your weakness or areas requiring improvement to be?
**Be positive and minimize your weakness by stating how you handle hem. Always try and turn your weaknesses into positive. - Tell me a time when you had to use your presentation skills to influence someone's opinion.
Situation情形 > Task困難/問題 > Action行動 > Result結果
問題答完,這樣就完成了嗎?加拿大的面試很重視面試官及面試者的互動,所以提問也是必須的,有什麼問題可以準備?有什麼問題不可以問?到【工作假期】 加拿大見工面試提問大匯集 II -求職資訊系列就知道喇~
【關注我們的Facebook九十後•蜂旅日記 The Bee Diary 吧 】
【關注我們的Facebook九十後•蜂旅日記 The Bee Diary 吧 】
【工作假期】五個不可不申請的文件Checklist! What's require?
【温哥華♡住宿】民宿初體驗 Vancouver Airbnb
【卡爾加里♡購物樂】手信必選! Crossiron Mills Outlet半價血拼!
【班芙♡玩樂】超刺激!班芙狗拉雪橇體驗Banff Dog sledding